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Transformers for arc steel-melting furnaces

Transformers for power supply of electric arc steel-melting furnaces (EAF) are available for furnaces of "small" capacity from 0.5 to 12 tons and furnaces of "large" capacity from 25 to 200 tons. Transformers for furnaces  of "small" capacity  are installed in foundry or other smelter machine-building enterprises and have primary voltage 6 or 10 kV; identical design of the magnetic system and windings; one kind of voltage regulation (NLTC) by tap changing in the HV winding; built-in current-limiting reactors to protect against operating   short-circuit; different types of cooling.

Transformers for furnaces of "big" capacity equip main arc-furnace shops of metallurgical plants. They are executed for   primary voltages from 10 to 220 kV; they have LV control scheme  only on load (OLTC),sometimes with the help of  separate regulating transformers and cooling system with forced circulation of water and oil (type C).
Transformer type Номинальная мощность, кВА Номинальное напряжение НН, В Количество ступеней Примечание
ЭТМПК-1600/10 1000-460 225-103,7 10, 12
ЭТПМК-2000/10 1250-618 225-111 10, 12
ЭТМПК-2500/10 1600-655 220-90 10, 12
ЭТМПК-3200/10 2000-1045 243-126 10, 12
ЭТМПК-4000/10 2500-1305 230,8-95,7 10, 12
ЭТДЦП-4000/10 2500-1305 230,8-95,7 10, 12
ЭТЦПК-6300/10 4000-1385 281-118 10, 12
ЭТЦПК-6300/10 4000-1385 281-144 10, 12
ЭТЦПК-6300/10 4500-2310 281-144 10, 12
ЭТЦПК-7500/10 5000-2570 281-144 10, 12
ЭТЦПК-10000/10 7600-3200 261-110 10, 12
ЭТЦПК-13000/10 8000-3200 261-110 10
ЭТЦПК-13500/10 9000-3800 317-,5-134 10, 12
ЭТЦНВ-18000/35 10000-6493 274,9-168,8 12
ЭТЦН-26500/35 20000-18000
ЭТЦН-33200/35 24000-15100 390-230 17
ЭТЦН-35000/35 30200-10700 450-160 23
ЭТЦН-60000/35 60000-11000 690-194 33
ЭТЦН-120000/35 59900-10900 690-192 23
ЭТЦНКД-120000/35 85000-56600 1000-650 23
ЭТЦНВ-125000/35 90000-60300 1100-634 19
ЭТЦН-135000/35 90000-68800 1000-657 17
ЭТЦН-160000/110 105000-54400 430-980 23
ЭТЦН-200000/35 130000-87979 1348-760 21

Converter transformers

According to the purpose and scope of application, converter transformers are divided into transformers for: DC electric drives, exciters of synchronous generators, rectifiers and inverters of electrified railways, DC arc furnaces, electro thermal installations, electric drives of drilling rigs, frequency converters, cell plants, electrographic furnaces, electrochemical Installations.

Converter transformers are manufactured in the following versions: two and triple-wound, 6-, 12- and 24-phase bridge rectification circuits, with split windings and without splitting, with OLTC or NLTC with different depth of regulation, and also with an equalizing reactor. Rated power of oil converter transformers, at present, varies from 1 to 110 MVA with the supply voltage of 6, 10, 35, 110 kV.
Transformer type Rated power PW, kVA Rated voltage PW, V Rated voltage of converter, V Rated current of converter, А
ТЦПВ-9540/10 2х4770 10000 155
ТДНП-32000/10 17200 10500 600
ТАДЦНПФ-50000/35 32520 35000 450

Transformers for ore-smelting furnaces

Ore-smelting electric furnaces have the widest range among electrometallurgical units due to a large variety of brands of manufactured commercial products and implemented technologies (only electric resistance furnaces have a wider nomenclature). Regenerative processes in the furnaces require low secondary voltages and high currents.

In addition, depending on the smelted material, it is necessary to change the operating regime of the furnace, i. e., to regulate voltage and amperage in wide ranges. The company "Delta Trafo" produces a wide range of transformers for ore-smelting furnaces for different purposes: single-phase and three-phase,   primary voltages 6-220 kV, with NLTC or OLTC voltage regulation and power range from 500 kVA to 100 mVA.

Transformer type Номинальная мощность, кВА Номинальное напряжение НН, В Количество ступеней Примечание
ЭОЦН-8200/10 5500-4500 204-130 17
ЭТЦПР-8300/10 5000 200-120 5
ЭТЦНР-10000/10 7000 102-161
ЭТЦП-10000/10 7500 381-268,5 5
ЭТЦП-10000/10 8500-6960 221-181 5
ЭОДЦНА-10000/10 5500 492-253 33
ЭТЦНВР-11000/10 8500-5650 210-139,5 9
ЭТЦНВР-12000/10 9000-6500 196-133,5 17
ЭТЦП-12500/10 7500-6500 230-180 5
ЭОЦНВР-12500/10 7500-6060 230-151,5 17
ЭОЦНР-12500/10 7500-6080 230-152 19
ЭОЦНВР-12500/10 9200-7450 230-154,5 17
ЭОЦНВР-12500/10 9200-6830 204-154,5 19
ЭОЦНВР-12500/10 9200-6840 230-152 19
ЭТЦНР-13500/10 7500-6542 330,6-171,7 19
ЭОЦН-14000/35 8000-6310 240-127 23
ЭОЦНР-14100/10 10000-6413 230-132,5 19
ЭОЦНР-14300/10 10000-6830 230-140 17
ЭОЦНР-14300/10 10000-6216,5 230-128,5 17
ЭТЦПР-15000/10 10500 180-141 9
ЭОЦНКР-16000/10 9200-5512 206-106 33
ЭОЦНК-16000/10 9200-7020 204-135 17
ЭОЦНК-16000/10 9200-7330 225-151,5 17
ЭОЦН-16500/35 11000-5510 280,5-140,5 23
ЭТЦНР-20000/10 8000 260-105,5 10
ЭОЦНВР-20000/10 13000-7320 269-148 33
ЭТЦНВР-22000/10 14310-7185 196,7-98,8 33
ЭТЦП-22000/10 21825-14800 210-142 9
ЭОЦНКВР-25000/10 13700-6130 298-128 33
ЭОЦНКВР-25000/10 14000 235-136 33
ЭТЦП-25000/10 22000-15400 220-147 9
ЭОЦНР-30000/35 20000-13930 600-356 23
ЭТЦНВР-31500/10 22000-13856 232,6-33,3 33
ЭТЦНКР-42500/10 29000-20083 223,6-134 33
ЭОДЦНР-66700/220 27000-14671 361-139 33
ЭОДЦНК-83300/220 26700-12566 375-125 33

Transformers for induction furnaces

Due to the fact that induction channel, crucible furnaces and mixers of different capabilities and   capacities are widespread, it was required to create a new series of special electric-furnace transformers. Induction furnaces are used for smelting of ferrous and nonferrous metals and their alloys, for metal overheating before casting and alignment of its chemical composition, doping, as well as for maintaining   constant temperature during molding.

The main feature of transformers for electric induction furnaces is great depth of the secondary voltage control (D> 6). Another feature is the need for constant power at several stages of LV which increases standard capability and mass of an EFT.
Transformer type Номинальная мощность, кВА Номинальное напряжение НН, В Количество ступеней Примечание
ЭОМПИ-2000/10 1000-200 1020-182
ЭОМНИ-2700/10 1600-400 527-105
ЭТДЦН-3200/10 2500-500 1951-389
ЭТМНИ-5000/10 2500-500 2100-420 19
ЭТЦНКИ-12500/10 7100-1350 2400-385 23

Transformers for electroslag refining furnaces

Electroslag remelting furnaces are aggregates of secondary remelting for the production of metals and alloys of high quality. Electroslag remelting (ESR) is the purification of metal from sulfur, nonmetallic inclusions and gases. Metal ingots, obtained by the ESR method, differ from conventional one by dense and homogeneous macrostructure, absence of shrinkage cavities and porosities. The outer surface of the ingots is smooth; it does not require peeling-off or stripping before hot machining.

The main requirement for transformers of this type is providing small stage regulation of secondary voltage at the regulation depth of 2.5-4.
Transformer type Номинальная мощность, кВА Номинальное напряжение НН, В Количество ступеней Примечание
ЭОМНШ-2500/10 1000-333 100-33,3 27
ЭОМПШ-2500/10 1000-704,2 100-33,3 9
ЭОДЦНШ-4000/10 1500-750 100-50 33
ЭОДЦНШ-4000/10 1600 90-40 17
ЭТМНШ-3000/10 2000-1280 87,5-56 19